Feb 17, 2023Liked by Liz Medford - lizexplores.com


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It’s quite the experience!

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Feb 17, 2023Liked by Liz Medford - lizexplores.com

I am strongly anti-needle and yet have become a convert to acupuncture this year. (In my case, for stress-related vertigo). I don’t know how or why it works but something does. I hope it works for you!

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Thanks Liz, that’s great to hear that acupuncture has helped you! I’m excited to keep going with it and see what happens. I’m curious how many treatments you did before you started to notice a difference?

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Liz Medford - lizexplores.com

I think she told me to give it four sessions to really see results? But I felt pretty blissed out and slept deeply after even the first two. She also gave me “ear seeds” - basically pressure points to leave in afterwards for a few days, which I liked.

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That's interesting! I haven't heard of ear seeds, but I might have seen pictures of them when I was searching a stock image for this post. I'm only 2 sessions in, so I'll keep at it and see how I feel!

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Feb 18, 2023Liked by Liz Medford - lizexplores.com

I’ve been doing acu for a long time, since living in Seoul. It’s nice to be in the hands of a medical tradition that’s actually taken the needs of female bodies into account for longer than a few decades. But also, the bio of every acu I’ve met in America is exactly like Gary’s. “I figure if Gary can forge iron and turn trees into houses and troubleshoot the nuclear reactor on a sub and keep a sick beat on a drum kit, he’s exactly the kind of person I trust to distill thousands of years of Oriental wisdom into a treatment plan for my ailing uterus.” Pretty much!

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Ha, it’s fascinating that acupuncturists are so multi-talented! I’m glad to know it’s been helpful for you. I’d like to read more about the tradition and how it works. Are there any resources you’d recommend?

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Feb 19, 2023Liked by Liz Medford - lizexplores.com

That’s a great question. I’ve been lucky to work with acupuncturists who have been willing to let me pepper them with questions, and I’ve learned so much from each one of them. They all have their own takes on the body that are so distinct from what you’d experience with a Western practitioner, and I think there’s value to that beyond the treatment itself. But I’ve also heard good things about “Woman, Heal Thyself” from friends who are energy workers. Would be interested in your review if you pick it up!

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Thank you so much, Ryan! (I keep meaning to ask, do you go by Ryan, or Ryan Rose?) I’m noticing a part of me now that is maybe hesitant to explore the how and why of eastern medicine, for fear that other parts of me will become too skeptical and give up on it. This resource that you shared looks like a fascinating new way to understand the female body!

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by Liz Medford - lizexplores.com

I go by Ryan :) and I hear you on balancing skepticism with optimism, surrender with choice and action. That’s the whole tricky paradox of pursuing any sort of fertility intervention, isn’t it? No answers here, just sitting with you in the liminal space. 💚

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Feb 19, 2023Liked by Liz Medford - lizexplores.com

I understand it’s super helpful. I also believe it’s helpful if it’s not too upsetting for you to get the acupuncture done. I’m thinking of blessings of healthy and joyous fertility for you! I’m hoping so much for your desires to be achieved....

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Thank you so much, Deb! And yes, that’s the inner conflict I’m experiencing: can I relax enough into the process to let it unfold?

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Feb 19, 2023Liked by Liz Medford - lizexplores.com

Ohhhhh I FELT this on so many levels. I also got into acupuncture through infertility. One thing that helped me and still does is envisioning talking to my baby during that time. If you haven't read "Spirit Babies" I recommend it.

I hope you can feel support and encouragement during this trying season of life!

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Thank you Brenna! I’m sorry to hear that you’ve also struggled with infertility. I would love to hear more about your journey, if you’re willing to share. Thank you for reminding me about Spirit Babies - I’ve been meaning to revisit that book and put it into practice! It’s comforting to think that our babies’ spirits are out there, waiting for us.

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Liz Medford - lizexplores.com

Liz feel free to send me an email! brenna@brennamulvaney.com I would be happy to share :)

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Thank you Brenda, I just emailed you. ☺️

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