Aug 17, 2023Liked by Liz Medford - lizexplores.com

Loved reading about your adventures! Safe journeys!

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Liz Medford - lizexplores.com

Liz this is so beautiful! May you soak in the grace of the beautiful land, allowing it to seep into your soul and heal you from the inside out.

Your photos are great and also familiar. I grew up very close to Dawson Creek, BC (on the Alberta side), I'm further south now but still have all of those animals for my neighbors.

Safe travels.

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Liz Medford - lizexplores.com

Today, 8/16, I saw you in your van at the car wash in Fairbanks while it was being washed by the driver. Your post sounds like you are traveling alone with your dogs, but apparently not. I am new to your site so I’m sure I’m missing the whole story.

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Liz Medford - lizexplores.com

Thanks for sharing. Brings back memories of when we did that trip to Alaska. Sounds like you're having the best time ever! There will be lots more great things for you ahead.

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Liz Medford - lizexplores.com

Congratulations, girlfriend! Not sure if I'm jealous, awestruck, proud of you, vicariously a little anxious... Most likely all of the above and more. Sending you and that van (and, of course, your faithful traveling companions) all the best wishes and hopes for continued smooth sailing. Can't wait to read more!

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Liz Medford - lizexplores.com

LIZ! I am a sponge when reading your poetic writing style, absorbing the beautiful way in which you string words together to create the most vivid experience for my eyes. My heart is so grateful we met those years ago in the business planning course. In the middle of writing my memoir, your personal journey is helping me to dive much deeper than I initially intended. My book will be all the richer thanks to your influence! Much love and safety on your big fat epic trip! Meggen

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Liz Medford - lizexplores.com

This is beautiful and it sounds like things are really good! I’m so happy for what you’ve already seen and experienced and excited for all the things you will heal and uncover. Write the book about this! I’d love to read it. You’re living my future dream life right now. My husband and I just went and looked at some vans a few weeks ago. We plan to be van traveling nomads in a few years experiencing as much nature as possible. Can’t wait to have that life and write like you are now! So proud of those 12 days and what you’re doing. Cheers to you and the pups!

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Aug 19, 2023Liked by Liz Medford - lizexplores.com

What a journey you are on! You are glowing in the pictures and the nature feels nourishing just looking at your blog! Be well! Be safe! You are so clearly where you are meant to be! I wish I had your courage!

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Dec 5, 2023Liked by Liz Medford - lizexplores.com

Your photos are stunning. I watch 'van life' videos on YouTube all the time ... The freedom is so appealing. Sounds like the most amazing trip 💕 and what a lovely way to capture the memories than here on Substack 🙏

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Jan 23Liked by Liz Medford - lizexplores.com

Gorgeous, Liz! I haven't yet read all your stories about what led to this adventure and about your trip home, but I will. I had to start with this one because my son moved from Arizona to Alaska last May and made this same drive, so I've added it to my "someday" list. It's hard to believe anywhere on Earth can be this beautiful. Looking forward to the rest of your stories!

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