Sep 25, 2023Liked by Liz Medford - lizexplores.com

Don’t forget; “the woman that inspired those that followed your journey to step outside our own comfort zone”.

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Thank you, Steve! I am following in the footsteps of so many others who have shared their journey and inspired me. So I guess I’m paying it back, or paying it forward.

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Liz Medford - lizexplores.com

Yes! Love this!

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Thanks, Brenna! I was in the mood to celebrate. 🥳

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Liz Medford - lizexplores.com

So, congratulations! Not just on your journey but mostly for celebrating YOU! Messy and imperfect are we all but YOU DID IT and are LIVING! Brava!

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Thank you so much, Deb! That is the hardest part sometimes is acknowledging our own successes. I felt inspired to finally do that!

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Liz Medford - lizexplores.com

This is beautifully written from the soul. I have shared it with three of my closest friends.

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Thank you, Cynthia! I’m so grateful for your sharing. I hope this inspires others to celebrate themselves!

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Liz Medford - lizexplores.com

Great photos and memories. You are doing great!

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Thank you, Darlene! I have thousands of photos already, and it’s so hard to keep up with sharing them. I’m sure some of these look familiar to you!

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Liz Medford - lizexplores.com

Hell yeah! Alaska babyyyy!!! So thrilled that you chose that big wild land as your destination. It is the perfect setting. It tends to have the ability to transform people like nowhere else I know. Beautifully written.

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Thank you, Angie! You’re lucky to have grown up in such a magical place. I don’t want to leave, but fingers crossed I will be back next summer.

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Oh my goodness, what an amazing woman!

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Thank you so much, Jenna. Sometimes we just need to give ourselves a pat on the back!

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Oct 2, 2023Liked by Liz Medford - lizexplores.com

Absolutely and would love to go back.! 💖

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Liz Medford - lizexplores.com

So epic!! Very inspiring!

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Thank you, Stephanie! 🤩

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Liz Medford - lizexplores.com

Amazing 🥰

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Thank you, Hannah! ♥️

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Oct 15, 2023Liked by Liz Medford - lizexplores.com

I loved this so much! I really relate to the experience of infertility and losses and needing to build yourself up in other ways. It's painful and beautiful at the same time. So much courage is needed! Lots of love x

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Thank you, Louise Marie! I’m so sorry you’ve been down the infertility road. It’s a club none of us want to be in, but we are always happy to find each other! ❤️

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Oct 19, 2023Liked by Liz Medford - lizexplores.com

Awesome post! I've just found you thanks to Office Hours on a rare Thursday when the Substack stars have at last aligned with my chaotic timetable. About to hit 'subscribe'. 😁

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Thank you for subscribing, Rebecca! So nice to meet you in office hours. I’m glad you’re here!

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Oct 19, 2023Liked by Liz Medford - lizexplores.com

Thank you for sharing your courage and your vulnerability in this post.

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My favorite part about writing is being completely honest with myself. Thank you for reading, Stephanie!

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Liz Medford - lizexplores.com

This is awesome!!!! You’ve accomplished so much! I recently listened to a podcast about how we tend to feel very disconnected from our future selves and you getting all this done shows you don’t have that problem! I’m working on building that connection so I can get there!

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Thank you so much, Jessica! I love reconnecting with past versions of myself and sending that loving energy to her, which reminds me that my future self is there for me as well, and she has managed to get through and figure things out. ♥️

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Jan 3Liked by Liz Medford - lizexplores.com

You are one courageous adventurous woman. I love this post!

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Thank you, Ellen! I have my moments. 😄

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Jan 15Liked by Liz Medford - lizexplores.com

"This feels like the beginning not just of a new chapter but of a new life." Beautiful!

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Thank you, Emily!

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